Sample Topics and Workshops:
The LEGO® Serious Play® methodology is based on concepts from organizational development, psychology and learning. It is anchored in research that reveals the deep connection between the hands and the brain. The working memory of the brain can only handle so much information at any given time, but motor skills are controlled by a different part of the brain altogether. When you build, you are essentially activating areas of the brain that aren't accessible if you're just thinking before you speak.
To learn more about the science behind LEGO® Serious Play®, download this document, by my teacher Robert Rasmussen.
Participants in LEGO® Serious Play® will find that, no matter the context, the process is always the same. We begin with a question, take time to build something in response, gather to share the answers and then spend some time reflecting. Even when building a shared model, the process always begins with individual construction. This ensures 100% participation from everyone around the table and also provides invaluable time to think (and build) before answering the question at hand. Full participation and thoughtful responses create an accelerated path to discovery and consensus. LEGO® Serious Play® is a democratic process where the goal is for every participant to be able to commit to the outcomes.
It's creative and it's fun, but it's also challenging and effective.
LEGO® Serious Play® uses special sets of bricks and other elements that have been selected and tested for this methodology. Materials are priced separately from facilitation, and can be priced to keep or for one-time use, depending on your preferences and your budget.
LEGO® Serious Play® can be used for a wide range of different applications. It was designed for smaller groups of 2-12 people, but can be adapted for one-on-one use and for larger groups. It is appropriate for situations where there's a question or challenge that doesn't have a clear-cut answer, and there's genuine interest in hearing and incorporating multiple perspectives. Here are some examples of organizational challenges that are well-suited to LEGO® Serious Play®:
Contact me today to set up a complimentary consultation to discuss how LEGO® Serious Play® could help your organization.